In April we made the six hour drive to Rice Lake, WI to visit my mother-in-law’s childhood home – thus the title of our Wordless Wednesday post. We were quite happy to report to her that it has been very well kept, as you can see from the photo. It was a beautiful drive up north going through all the farming communities.
Rice Lake is only a town of 8,000 or so but compared to some towns with the population of 8,000 Rice Lake seemed to have the monopoly on business. We assume it is because of the distance that everyone has to travel. I mean they had a Super Walmart, a health food store, a Farm and Fleet and a bunch of other stores that we were surprised to see in a town of that size.
The town has changed in big ways since the 30’s and 40’s I am sure, but my mother-in-law was unable to make the trip with us to tell us exactly how it had all changed.
It was an incredibly windy day (but sunny and beautiful) the day we visited, but we managed to show the children how to “skip” rocks despite the choppy lake. We had a picnic lunch which kept blowing away, but we endure it to make some happy memories of our short time in Rice Lake.
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