I received the following book in exchange for writing a review. While I consider it a privilege to receive free products to review, my review is my honest opinion and thoughts of the book.
I received this book for review and our children really enjoyed it! The lyrical rhyming style Mark Alden Johnson used to write this book, as well as the colorful illustrations made it fun for them to read!. They were eager to turn the pages and to see how the boy would get down.
Mark Alden Johnson recognizes that children face choices every day, “I think there is a misconception that peer pressure is reserved for teens dealing with drugs and alcohol, but we shouldn’t overlook the younger children. They too face bad influences and if we teach them how to make good choices at a young age, they are more likely to continue doing so as teens.”
Mr. Johnson hopes the story will teach kids that others will sometimes tell them to do things that are not always in their best interest and they will learn how to make their own choices or wait for an adult to consult with.
I’m Up in a Tree is available for purchase at Amazon and other major bookstores for about $14.95 (hardcover).
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