I’ve been trying to get this written and posted all week…
I worked at our homeschool convention with a friend last Thursday thru Saturday as an exhibitor. On Friday I got a text from my husband to call him when I had a chance. When I finally called him he told me he had a visit from Animal Control. I said, “What?!”
You see we have these moveable chicken tractors/coops that my husband made, see below. They are in the field next to the barn and close to the major road that runs by our house. Apparently a concerned, but naive driver called Animal Control and reported that our chickens were sitting out in the sun all day not being cared for. (Please note the blue tarps we have on there for shade!) Thankfully the Animal Control officer drives by every day to visit her horse and told us, “This is a joke, but someone called and reported that your chickens are not being cared for, which I know is not true because I drive by every day. Besides I can hear them. Please do me a favor and move your chickens to the back field.” She was very nice and didn’t even look at the chickens since she could hear the “happy” chicken sounds.
What I don’t like is that someone actually reported us and that we can’t even choose where we keep our chickens now. However, it does make for a good blog post. So it does have a humorous side.
I had a friend, the same friend I worked the homeschool convention with, tell me that once we got animals we would have lot of stories to tell! She was right as the past two weeks have been chalk full of adventure.
Dead Duck and Dead Bunny
This week due to inexperience our children have suffered some hard lessons and the loss of two animals. Two beloved pets. We have had a sad couple of days. The children introduced our ducks to water for the first time and had a blast watching them go “bottoms up” in the water after who knows what to eat. However, the children left them out while they came inside and our cute, adorable, BAD, normal, puppy got the female duck and killed her.
Today the younger children were playing with the bunnies and again the puppy was loose and the older children came in. I was sitting by the patio door working on my laptop when I heard a child screeching. By the time someone got out there the puppy had got Luna our black and white bunny. Yes, the one that was stolen or lost and returned again.
The children want to get more ducks and more bunnies, but the stipulation is that they pay for them.
Oh no, I’m sorry your puppy got killed your animals. We had to work hard to train our dog to leave the chickens alone and then he developed a fear of them – yeah I know. I’m glad the animal control officer was friendly and on your side!
Me too, Kelly. This just taught us that puppy needs a whole lot more training.
Oh no! Your poor duck and bunny
We had a black lab who loved to catch and kill squirrels. It’s just their nature.