Inspired by Mama Kat’s writing prompts.
10 things I love about Spring:
1. The sunshine.
2. The green grass.
3. The appearance of flowers and colors after a seeing dull brown after the snow melts.
4. The ability to work outside with ease. No winter weather to hinder us.
5. The chirping of the birds.
6. The beauty of new life everywhere.
7. Having our own eggs again after going all winter without.
8. The change in flavor of our homemade butter now that Miss Moo is out on pasture again.
9. Spring fever in the animals. Watching Blaze (our horse) canter across the pasture is a sight to behold, as is the cows, goats and sheep frolicking.
10. Planting our garden and the ability to grow our own food.
What do you love about spring?
I love the weather – not too cold, not too hot – just right for being outside!
Green is my favorite color, so I love Spring because everything comes to life again! You got a good list, and I agree with them! Nothing beats a good sunny day!!!
In Florida, our Spring does not last long. I love the warmth after winter.
I can’t wait for the temps to catch up with spring! I love seeing colors now instead of white everywhere!
My favorite will always be #1
I used to ahve a whole garden of tulips and one day I changed the rocks in that area and did not realize what the one’s where that I pulled out found out they weren’t rocks but the tulip bulbs
love flowers so pretty
One of my favorite things about spring is yard sales!
I love that the weather is nice enough to go outside and just sit in the sun. Is that your tulip garden? it is beautiful.
Karen, no unfortunately it isn’t. It’s a photo I took last year in Long Grove, IL.
I love everything about spring, except for the allergies.
I love all of those things too, but the weather is questionable here in Florida. Some days it can be so beautiful and others it is almost too hot to be outside with the humidity.