Alone Yet Not Alone


We have the original book Alone Yet Not Alone so when I agreed to this review I mistakenly thought it was a review of the movie that is coming out in theaters (only a select few!) this Friday, June 13. It looks really, really good! Check out the trailer below:

The book review below is written by my 15 year old daughter, B. By the way, this book is based on a true story about two sisters during the French and Indian war (1755). It is written by Tracy Leininger Craven, which is the great something granddaughter of Barbara Leininger, one of the main characters.

Alone Yet Not Alone Book Review

By “B”

This may be the “movie version” of the book Alone Yet Not Alone: Their faith became their freedom, but it is almost exactly the same as the original we own, which I haven’t read it in a while. But you will hear no complaints from me about the new version! :) The only difference is there are photos from the movie.

I’ve always admired and respected Barbara and Regina. Not just for their strength but also for their love for God and their hope.

I hope I can be as great a big sister as Barbara. She never gave up on escaping and finding Regina.

I liked how Barbara never gave up on her faith. Sure she went through trial after trial but she never gave up. She is a big inspiration to me. This book made me think, “What would I have done in her situation?” I don’t know if I would have been able to stay strong, but the knowledge of their story has helped me strengthen my own faith in God so that I can stay strong.

To learn more about the book and movie visit:

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  1. Ty says:

    Great review! Your daughter did a superb job! My daughter loves to read, so I’ll definitely let her know about this.

  2. Tammy says:

    I really enjoyed reading this as an adult, I’m looking forward to seeing the movie at some point.

  3. Liz Mays says:

    I haven’t heard of this before, but I’ll bet it’s really inspiring!

  4. Angela says:

    I have not read Alone Yet Not Alone. It looks like a great book and movie. I’ll have to check it out.

  5. Donna says:

    Wow, the trailer looks incredible! I really want to read the book now more than ever!

  6. Great review by your daughter. It’s really special when a movie can stick so closely to the book it’s based on.

  7. Trailer looks great! I have to check out this book! Looks like a great read.

  8. Marcie W. says:

    I love that this book is a story about sisters! Your daughter seems to be a future blogger in the making too!

  9. HilLesha says:

    This movie sounds quite interesting!

  10. Awesome review! I’ve never heard or seen anything about this bit it looks like a great read.

  11. Kathleen says:

    This sounds great. I had never heard of it before, but now I want to see it.

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