Robert and I will soon celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary! Hard to believe twenty years has gone by already. Here’s to the next 20 or more!
We plan to celebrate by going out for Chinese food. Yummy!
We have only ever celebrated our anniversary by going away overnight once and that was the summer we were in Canada in 2005. A friend took care of our five kiddos. When our girls are a bit older and officially adults maybe we’ll do that again….some day.
How long have you been married? How do you usually celebrate?
Photo Copyright: totallyout / 123RF Stock Photo Used with permission.
Congratulations on 20 years! We are almost at 10 and I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone by.
Happy Anniversary and congratulations!
Happy Anniversary, how exciting!
Aw, Happy Anniversary!
Have a happy anniversary! We are almost at 20 too … 19 this year! Maybe one year we will get to go out an celebrate ! LOL!
Congratulations! This October will be 18 years.
We just celebrated our 20th in April! Congratulations to you both
We don’t really do anything special most years except go out for dinner. For our 16th we took a Transatlantic cruise.
Congrats! My husband and I have lived together for over 23 years, married for over 12.
Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!!!!! We have been together 5 years! I hope you guys have a wonderful day and many more wonderful years together!
Oh, how exciting – congratulations!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you get the chance to do a little getaway before long!
Happy Anniversary and congratulations!
We will have been married for 10 years next June. We usually go out to eat for our anniversary. Next year I think we are going to go on a trip.
Yay! Happy Anniversary to you. Sounds like a delicious way to spend your special day.
Congrats Happy Anniversary.
Congrats to you both! 20 years married is fantastic.