I received the following product as part of my compensation for work that I do at home. I have really enjoyed both of my Deppa handbags from five ACCESSORIES . I have been using my brown one as my purse/carry-all and the red one is holding all my gardening books from the library. They are very sturdy, but I will get to that in a minute.
One day my neighbor noticed this handbag as we were heading out to the library. She commented on it and told us how much she liked it. She then proceeded to ask my daughter, who was helping load up the van, where we got it. I couldn’t help but think that other moms should know about it too, so that is why I decided to write a review. Even though my neighbor did express a few days later how pricey the handbags are, but they are very well made, I have to say. There’s nothing worse than finding something you like that is cheap but doesn’t last long. One of my pet peeves! Sometimes we get what we pay for, kwim?
This is five’s Original Red Deppa Bag . It is from a fair trade co-op in India that five ACCESSORIES works with to provide work for the women involved in the co-operative. $5.00 of every handbag sold goes back to these ladies. This eco-friendly handbag with the bright design is red and natural in color. It is hand printed using natural dyes in the solid red, with just a touch of hand embroidery. The handles are kind of padded and strong as I fit several heavy books in it and put it over the handle of our stroller with no ill effects resulting from that action and have done so numerous times now as I use my brown one daily. Both handbags have one inside pocket with a zipper closure. It measures 18″ h x 14″ w and has two snaps on the outside of the bag, so it has the ability to expand with a full purse.
These two Deppa bags may be used as a regular purse, a library bag or even a diaper bag. All of five’s products are eco-friendly and give back to charity.
Here is a photo my brown Deppa bag, well I guess five ACCESSORIES calls it neutral:
Visit five ACCESSORIES to see more of their eco-friendly handbags (or some can even double up as diaper bags and beach bags too) www.fiveACCESSORIES.com
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