About three weeks ago my husband borrowed a Case mini loader to move moldy hay and manure. He had fun but said it was difficult to keep it stable at times as it wanted to tip over. So there was a bit of a learning curve for him! Men and their toys!
What kind of toys does your significant other like to “play” with?
It’s electronics and sports equipment for my husband.
The only toy that my husband gets into is his iPod. He loves listening to comedy and college basketball (Kentucky Wildcats) podcasts.
It’s gadgets and technology for my hubby, but he also likes, bikes, kayaks, and he’d like that piece of equipment, too.
My husband collects sports memorabilia and always buying golf clubs.
Ha! Mine works in construction so he plays with all those kinds of digging toys!
Mine likes TV! He really needs to get more!
My husband has his “Jimmy” which he races in Mud Runs during the Spring and Summer!
My husband is all about the tech gadgets. Computers, Tablets, Smartphones, etc. Except of course just the other day he put a post-it note ON his phone with his shopping list. Oy vey!
That is one big toy! Glad it didn’t tip over on him!
My husband is a big sports fan and a car guy!
My husband loves to play with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox One. He’s a Madden aficionado!
Men sure do like their toys don’t they? My boys are starting young with electronics.
My fiance’ is the opposite. He’s a geek who just loves his comics, movies, and tv shows. He could care less about trucks and cars.
Now that is a mighty impressive toy
That’s a big toy! I can’t imagine what the rest of his collection looks like!
My hubby has a new Mustang GT and that is the toy he likes to play with