This post is taking the place of my Motivation Monday post.

Blog Forward 2014 Challenge by ZonePerfect
I am a ZonePerfect blogger and part of the requirement is to write a post and in exchange I receive ZonePerfect bars! Yum! We got a box of 28 bars and thoroughly enjoyed them!
The first assignment is a challenge:
Challenge #1: Post a blog article detailing 3–5 New Year’s resolutions and include a letter to your future self that encourages you to stay on track or get back on track.

New Year’s Resolutions
You all know I don’t make resolutions so here is my “loose” list of goals for 2014:
1. Increase our income. (I *think* God is well on His way to answering this prayer…need a bit more time to be sure.)
2. Nutrition. Eat and grow more vegetables to we can freeze and can our winter supply.
3. Take our children on more field trips.
4. Get more organized as a whole family – mostly the house as it is an ongoing battle, that and getting the children to stay on task.
Letter to Future Self
Dear Self,
Just wanted to remind you of a couple of things to assist you in accomplishing your 2014 new year’s resolutions or “goals”. You have to be focused and keep your “hand to the plow” so to speak. There are going to be times when you don’t think you are moving forward but realize you are, no matter how small the step. History has proved that. Remember when you moved to the farm nearly three years ago?
Count your blessings amidst your successes and failures.
Work hard, play with your children and set aside time each day to organize something together as a family.
Your goals are not unattainable, which is good because it will make the journey to fulfilling them much easier.
Press on,
Your “Past” Self

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