Archive for Education

Eggy Alphabet App

Eggy Alpha 1


The Eggy Alphabet App is available for your iPad and/or iPhone in the iTunes Store.

When you start up this app, it asks for your child’s name and each time you log in it will welcome your child.

The home page has 2 available activities “Letter” and “Letter Game”.

When you select “Letters” a friendly voice will tell you to select a letter.

eggy Alpha 2


After selecting a letter, they will direct you to select an activity.  Your child can select an upper case or lower case letter for their activities.  The available activities are Dot-to-Dot, Draw the Letter, Copy the Letter, or Letter or Not?

Dot-to-Dot is just that connecting the numbers to draw the letter. It will make your child repeat the letter Dot-to-Dot several times with numbers, then they will take away the numbers are show just dots, then take away the darkened letter to make your child draw the letter by themselves.  I really like the repetition of the letter.

eggy Alpha 4


Draw the letter is just that. They give you a blank page and your child will draw the letter.

Copy the letter – they give you the letter and arrows to give the direction your child should use to write the letter.

Letter or Not? and the Letter Game (From the home page) –  It will give you different pictures and ask if the picture starts with  that letter.  For example see below.

eggy Alpha 3


Does the word insect start with the letter i?  In this case yes, it does. The next picture may be a vase or flowers.

When your child finishes a level they receive a critter.  We received “Mr. Cheese the Mouse” for playing for 10 minutes straight and “Blue the Whale” for completing our first Dot-to-Dot activity.

This is a great learning app for your beginning readers, writers and learning the alphabet for your little ones.

Best of all Moms & Dads, you can check their progress!

Look for my next app review – Eggy Sight Words!



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Zingo! Sight Words Review –

Zingo 7


I was very excited when I won an opportunity to review “Zingo!”for

I couldn’t wait to tell you about it!

The Thinkfun Company is spot on with this early learning game!

Zingo! Sight Words is a Pre-K version of the classic game of bingo except with frequently used words.

Zingo 4

After choosing your Zingo! card, slide the “Zingo! Zinger”.  It drops 2 (Two) words, if one of the players has one of the corresponding words on their card, they first must say the word then they may place the word tile on their Zingo! card.  Play continues until all 9 spaces are covered then the winner yells “ZINGO!”

Zingo 5

Of course you can play the game in other ways.  You can have 3 in a row or patterns (X, four corners, picture frame or Z for Zingo!), try multiple cards for more advanced players.

Zingo! is recommended for Pre-K to 1 and I would agree with the age range.  My daughter is 4 and not reading yet, however we used matching words so our game slowed down.  I would say the word and she would repeat it, then she needed to find it on her or my card.

Zingo 3Zingo 6









The only thing I found bothersome is you need to scramble the 72 tiles before you play for the first time. My daughter loved scrambling the tiles, but we needed to put them back int the “Zinger” before we could start the game. The other thing I noticed was the tiles were easy for me to push back in the “Zinger” but a little hard for my daughter.

Zingo 1

Great Game! We will be purchasing Zingo! for upcoming birthday parties!




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Keep Children Healthy this Season ~ Avoid RSV in Young Children

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a very scary thing for new parents…or any parents for that matter. Premature infants are at greatest risk! My first child was a month early and weighed in under 5 pounds. My sister had premature twins that were only 3 pounds each at birth. We both had our scares with RSV…but were very fortunate not to contract the virus.

The treat of RSV is one of the reasons I chose to stay home with my children and quit teaching in the traditional classroom. Daycare was very scary for many reasons to this protective mama…and RSV was one of those scary things!

When my daughter entered school she had pneumonia 3 times in kindergarten and I cannot help but think to imagine what she could have picked up had she been in a daycare setting.

We have had a few friends who have had to deal with this disease and it can be devastating to a family. But remember since almost 100% of babies will contract RSV…we may have had it and not even known it!

In fact the fact that my daughter had pneumonia 3 times in kindergarten could partially be because of the RSV virus. Luckily we were able to treat or and not have any further complications. However, sometimes if not treated or prevented RSV can be deadly.

I have 3 children and the only one who ever showed signs of RSV or its negative effects (pneumonia) was my oldest daughter. She was a preemie and I took all of the precautions of dealing with RSV and other sicknesses she could contract. I mean she had no other siblings, I did not work (so no daycare), we limited visitors to the house, we practice good hygiene and hand washing….yet somehow we still had our bout with illness.

My other 2 children were always relatively healthy and never showed signs of illness aside from the common cold. Even when having school age siblings…did I do anything different? NO, in fact I was probably more “loose” with the next two …taking them out more often, etc. But they STILL might have had the disease and been carriers and I would never know it.

PLEASE take the time to educate your self on RSV as it could have long term and devastating effects on your family or others with whom you come in contact.

RSV Infographic

Please read the information below to learn more about the threat of RSV

The Threat of RSV in Child Care and School Settings

It is estimated that 82% of U.S. children aged six weeks to six years old, spend some amount of time in child care. Whether it’s five or 50 hours a week, the risks of spending time in a daycare or pre-school setting are the same — increased exposure to contagious germs and viruses.

Children’s inborn behavioral habits such as a need for close interpersonal
contact and lack of good personal hygiene, combined with an environment that promotes and rewards sharing, make daycare settings an environment for infection spreading. Because their immune systems are not yet fully developed, this is especially worrisome for very pre-term babies in daycare, or with school-aged siblings who bring germs into the home.

Premature infants are very susceptible to infection in the early weeks of their lives, so contracting something as small as the common cold can present danger. Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a common, seasonal virus that affects two-thirds of all infants by age one and almost 100% of babies by age two, because it’s highly contagious. RSV can live on surfaces (doorknobs, countertops, toys, bedding) for several hours and is often spread through touching, hugging and kissing.
Daycare increases this risk of RSV spreading as children are constantly sharing toys, tables and high chairs as well as eating and napping in close quarters.
RSV typically causes mild to moderate cold-like symptoms, but in some babies it results in a serious respiratory infection.
Those most at risk for severe RSV include premature infants, as their lungs aren’t fully developed and they have fewer infection-fighting antibodies than full-term babies.
The RSV season typically runs from November through March, so during the winter months parents should be especially
careful to watch for signs of RSV.

Below are symptoms of severe RSV infection that require immediate medical care:
· Coughing or wheezing that does not stop
· Fast or troubled breathing
· Spread-out nostrils and/or a caved-in chest when trying to breathe
· Bluish color around the mouth or fingernails
· Fever (especially if it is over 100.4°F in infants under 3 months of age)

If a child has milder symptoms of RSV, the virus will likely run its course without any cause for parental alarm. It is important; however, for these parents to remember that even a mild case of RSV can be spread to other children, some of whom may be at high-risk for developing a serious infection from the virus. For this reason, it’s always best to keep a sick child home when possible, to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.
Once contracted, there is no treatment for RSV, so working together to prevent the risk of RSV is critical. All parents should take steps to prevent the spread of the virus, including always washing their hands and child’s hands, and asking others to do the same. It’s also important to remember to keep toys, clothes, blankets, and sheets clean and avoid crowds and other sick children during RSV season.
Prevention is especially important for babies at increased risk of becoming ill from RSV. Parents of preemies should be informed of the dangers of RSV, as well as the risks that certain child care settings can present. If possible, parents of highrisk babies may want to consider alternate options, such as nannies or in-home daycare centers, where exposure to dangerous germs can be minimized. Regardless of child care settings, it’s important for parents who believe their child may be at high-risk for RSV to speak with a doctor about prevention.

A few facts about RSV that all parents, caregivers and loved ones should know:
· Almost every baby will contract RSV by age 2, but only 1/3 of moms say they’ve heard of the virus.
· Serious RSV infection is the leading cause of infant hospitalization, responsible for more than 125,000
hospitalizations and up to 500 infant deaths each year.
· RSV occurs in epidemics each fall through spring. The CDC has defined “RSV season” as beginning in November
and lasting through March for most parts of North America.
· Certain babies are at an increased risk of developing serious RSV infection, so it’s important to speak with a
pediatrician to determine if a baby may be at high risk for RSV, and discuss preventive measures.
· Symptoms of serious RSV infection include: persistent coughing or wheezing; rapid, difficult, or gasping breaths;
blue color on the lips, mouth, or under the fingernails; high fever; extreme fatigue; and difficulty feeding. Parents
should contact a medical professional immediately upon signs of these symptoms.
· There is no treatment for RSV, so it’s important for parents to take preventive steps to help protect their child (wash
hands, toys, bedding frequently; avoid crowds and cigarette smoke).

Visit and follow #RSVProtection on Twitter for more information.



“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”



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Connect 2 Happiness with GaiamTV #sp #Connect2Happy

Connect 2 Happiness GaiamTV

Many new year resolutions are made in hopes of resolving or at least improving health, weight or financial issues. All worthy goals but how many people actually succeed in accomplishing what they set out to do for the whole year? Wouldn’t it be better to start with a shorter time frame? Say…30 days. Like a 30-day challenge. Wouldn’t it be more fulfilling to take one month at a time rather than attacking the whole year in one shot?

If health, nutrition or weight loss were on your new year’s resolution, one way you can start living a healthy, happy lifestyle is to take advantage of all the great health, nutrition and food shows and documentaries at GaiamTV. I came across quite a few things I have never seen before, it’s definitely geared towards the health conscious.

I don’t know what I was expecting from GaiamTV but it was completely different to my expectations. Much more education than entertainment.

Gaiam TV is like Netflix for the mind, body and spirit and contains over 2,000 titles! Like other streaming networks, GaiamTV is available 24/7. Its service capabilities include personal computers, iPads and smartphones. GaiamTV is subscription based $9.95 per month, with unlimited access to content, not strings attached, no commitment and cancel at anytime. For convenience, GaiamTV offers a free 10-day trial.

Connect 2 Happiness with GaiamTV

What if your goal is just to not only work on your health but also work on your happiness? Gaiam also has their Connect 2 Happiness 30-day challenge that will inspire you to take a deep look inside to figure out what truly makes you happy. Below you will find Day 1 challenge:


When we take a moment to listen to our inner guide, we get clues that can lead us down the path toward true happiness. Choosing what makes us feel happy over what makes us feel safe can take us out of our comfort zone; yet when we connect our passions with our actions, we stop seeking and start living. Find your joy: listen to yourself, and take action.

Start a conversation with your inner guide. Ask yourself these three questions, and listen closely to the answers.

1) What makes you happy?
2) What are you passionate about?
3) How can you bring more of that into your life?

I thought these were very good questions. Definitely made me think about things I haven’t thought about in a long time. I think a little self-reflection is good for the soul. More spiritual people might attribute it to letting a Higher Power guide them rather than their inner self. Either way I think it’s a positive exercise.


I like doing things like this and find it motivating.

What about you what makes you happy? How do you think GaiamTV and the Connect 2 Happiness 30-Day Challenge could help you? Remember to visit the Connect 2 Happiness promotion and check out GaiamTV, if you haven’t already.

This is a paid post for GaiamTV.


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Ivy Bridge College

It is a known fact that education is important. Many put a lot of stock in a college education and getting a degree. In my family my grandmother really talked up a college education. It was impressed upon me at a young age that I should become a nurse because we have a long line of nurses in our family; a couple of my great aunts are nurses and then two of my dad’s sisters are as well. So my cousin, whose mom is a nurse, for the longest time was set on becoming a doctor and I was going to be a nurse…that was until we got old enough to decide for ourselves that wasn’t our career choice. I think grandmother was disappointed but was a good sport to accept our decision not to go her way. Perhaps some of you can relate and often think about your career choice or lack thereof. Maybe you have even made it your new year’s resolution to go back to school to further your education.

Though I have a college level education from a 3 year program, plus my midwifery studies, I do not have a degree. Shocking? Maybe. Getting a degree wasn’t a priority for me when I was younger and even now it’s not something that is a major goal, even though it has always been at the back of my mind “Should I or shouldn’t I?” But as a mom my children have always been my first priority, after my marriage. When I had to go back to work, which is why I put my midwifery studies on hold, earning an income to help pay bills became another very high priority for our survival. However, due to the nature of my VA business and the opportunities I have seen available, I have contemplated taking courses in accounting, bookkeeping, business etc.

Ivy Bridge College

As busy as I am, in order to help take my VA business to the next level, I’ve decided to go back to school. Right now I am leaning towards an Associate’s Degree in Accounting, so we’ll see how the application process plays out and if that is indeed what I end up taking.

The college I am applying to is Ivy Bridge College because it is a great option for moms seeking a college degree. It provides great support services. Each student has their own personal admissions and financial aid advisor, and yes you even receive their direct contact information. They even offer free tutoring and career coaching is available. Ivy Bridge offers flexible scheduling, the ability to earn an associate’s degree in as little as 18-24 months, and the ability to seamlessly transfer to 4-year schools to earn a bachelor’s.

I love that I will be able to continue to stay at home with my children and tailor my course schedule to our family life. Since it is an online program and classes are available 24/7, it is perfect for moms like me.

Ivy Bridge College $1000 Tuition Discount Giveaway

The great news is Ivy Bridge is giving away $1,000 tuition discount on classes at Ivy Bridge College to one of YOU!

All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me why you want to go back to school! Enter the giveaway below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

“To be eligible for the $1,000 discount off tuition at Ivy Bridge College (IBC), the qualifying individuals will need to be degree seeking, enrolled in IBC a minimum of part-time, and new to IBC (specifically, not someone who has already applied to, enrolled in, or requested information from IBC). Classes at Ivy Bridge College Extension are not eligible for the discount. Limit one per person.The tuition discount is valid through September 1, 2013.”

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Ivy Bridge College. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating and a discount on classes at Ivy Bridge College.”


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Language Stars Open House and iPad Mini Sweepstakes #LangStarsOpenHouse

Learning a second, third or even fourth language is an investment into the future since so many jobs now desire people to be bilingual. After all, we are a multilingual country made up of many differing cultures. Being bilingual or multilingual is also an asset when traveling to different countries.

I grew up taking French from fourth grade through a couple college courses, which I ended up dropping (and regretting) due to it overloading my course load. Though I never became fluent in French, I still remember and recognize words – the benefit of learning the language from a young age.


Bonjour, comment ca va? Je suis bien, merci.

Simple phrase that says, “Hello, how are you? I am fine/good, thank you.”

For the sake of this post, I did have to look up the spelling of my French though!

We have exposed our children to other languages, mostly French and Spanish. We lived across the street from a Hispanic family for over ten years and our oldest was really interested in Spanish for a while. At a young age listening to our neighbors speak in their native tongue always intrigued her.

Language Stars

Language Stars is an organization offering play-based, full-immersion foreign language classes to children ages toddler thru 5th grade. Language Stars has centers and satellite schools in two metro areas – Chicago and DC.

From January 14th- 27th Language Stars will be hosting Open House Weeks so you can experience Language Stars firsthand and get to:

  • Tour your local Language Stars center
  • Meet our international teaching team
  • Learn about the Window of Opportunity and why NOW is the best time for your child to learn a foreign language
  • Receive a special Open House gift to take home for you and your child
  • Enter our Open House Weeks Giveaway for a chance to win a brand new iPad mini
  • Enroll during our Open House Weeks and receive $100 OFF you tuition (new families only)

You can reserve a spot for Language Stars Open House today by filling out the form at or call 866-55-STARS. If you sign up, you will be able to take in a language class with your toddler or allow your preschool through 5th grade age child take in a class on their own. They offer time choices and even offer a snack and ask if your child has any food allergies at the Language Stars Satellite schools.

Already enrolled? Receive $100 OFF your tuition for every family you refer who enrolls through January 27, 2013.

Visit Language Stars on the web:

Language Stars DC FB page-

Language Stars Chicago FB page-

Enter Language Stars iPad Mini Giveaway

Language Stars will be giving away 2 iPad minis- one for the Chicago market and one for the DC market (valued at $329). Below you can enter to the iPad Mini Sweepstakes for the Chicago area:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you ever thought to or wanted to put your child in language classes? What languages do you speak?

“This blog post is part of a paid MtoM Consulting, LLC and Language Stars blogging program. Ideas and opinions are my own.”


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Food Allergies Education – A Healthy Tuesday Tip

Food allergies education. How many of you educate yourselves about food allergies, especially if your children don’t even have them? How many of you think about keeping children with allergies safe?

We have friends whose son has extreme allergies. She has to carry an Epipen. I remember a story she told of her older daughter helping with dinner preparations – making tacos – her daughter neglected to wash her hands after touching the different ingredients. After dinner her son started to get a red, itchy face…a sign of an allergic reaction. They determined that when their daughter made the tacos the residue from the cheese on her fingers caused their son to react to his dairy allergy. Amazing. Our friends are not the only ones suffering through the challenges of extreme allergies. There are so many children with life threatening allergies now that there are Food Allergy Initiatives and Ministries to support and help families, especially in dealing with their child(ren) attending school.

Last year there was an article featured on Yahoo that I thought worthy of attention, even a year later, because I believe food allergies education is crucial to keeping children with allergies safe.

Nearly 6 million or 8% of children have food allergies with young children affected most.[1]

The prevalence of food allergies and associated anaphylaxis appears to be on the rise. [2]

According to a study released in 2008 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about an 18% increase in food allergy was seen between 1997 and 2007. [3]

Even though I homeschool I feel it is important for us as parents to educate not only ourselves but also our children about food allergies because we all either know someone with deadly allergies or will inevitably meet someone with them. It is important for the safety of children with food allergies that we are aware and alert to the fact that our children need to know how to safely offer treats to their friends because there isn’t always going to be an adult around to “save” an allergic child from a harmful ingredient.

Please share what you have done to increase yours and your children’s food allergies education.

[1][2][3] Food Allergy Facts and Statistics for the U.S.


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The Rhyme Bible Storybook Review


Reading time at home will be even more fun with the arrival of Linda Sattgast’s freshly updated version of The Rhyme Bible Storybook!

Twelve years since the first edition captured parents’ hearts, Sattgast teams with artist Laurence Cleyet-Merle to illuminate key passages from the Bible, making the most important lessons easy to understand.

Sattgast’s rhyming text helps beginning readers remember each Bible story and comprehend their basic lessons. For instance, the story of David and Goliath becomes a read-aloud lyrical song similar to a nursery rhyme. In addition, the story of Jonah and the big fish detailed in the book is a delightful bedtime story.

With Cleyet-Merle’s vivid illustrations, readers will experience 35 classic bible stories as they have never before been presented ~ with adorable pictured and Sattgast’s rhyming text.

For any parent who wants to teach the Word of God, THE RHYMING BIBLE STORYBOOK is the perfect choice for engaging little ones. Together, Sattgast and Cleyet-Merle breathe new life into the traditional storybook Bible, making this new edition a keepsake for all ages.

Our Review:

I absolutely LOVE this book…perhaps it is because I LOVE songs and rhyming…but it is amazing! This book really hits home with our family because it is an easy way to learn classic bible stories in an easy and fun way! My children LOVE the verse and the illustrations. I cannot say enough about the author and illustrators who have brought the bible stories to life in this text! WONDERFUL!

I liked this book so much that I brought it to my Sunday school class…of 6th graders… yes I said it 6th graders. Now, do not get me wrong I am not saying that I taught out of a rhyming book to older children… BUT since we are studying the Old Testament… I used it as a teaching tool! I chose a few stories that we had studied and read the rhyming version aloud to the students. Then I asked my students to take their favorite story we have studied and try to make up their own rhyming version of a story or part of a story.  The older kids were very engaged in this activity! We had so much fun! I Loved being able to use this bible with my little ones at home and as a teaching tool in the classroom! Hats off to Zondervan and their talented authors!

This book is available through Zondervan. You can find more information about this and other Zondervan products at:

You can purchase the book here:

The book is also available through Amazon and other retailers.

Here is the Amazon link:


Faith and Family Reviews received the following product in exchange for writing a review. While we consider it a privilege to receive free products to review, our reviews are our honest opinion and thoughts of the product.



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I Spy with Lola App Review

Meet Lola the Panda Bear.  Are you ready for your little ones to go on a searching adventure with her?  Great! Don’t tell the the kids but I’m sure they will learn a few things along the way too.

I Spy with Lola App

There are 3 different levels with I Spy with Lola – Easy, Medium, and Hard. BUT, you need to get through the easy level before you can move on.

Lola flies in her airplane to a destination in the world that your child will pick. Watch out because some are locked because they are higher levels. For example, if you child picks Hawaii on the map the app will tell you it’s Hawaii. Once the destination is picked Lola flies in and will tell you to find the sunglasses, boat, dolphin, etc. If you choose the wrong one, it will tell you the object but will not cross it off Lola’s list.

Once you complete the first level, the second level or medium level are about things that begin with ….  For example – things that being with “B”. The Hard Level is “a hat that shades your eyes” – along the lines of a riddle.

I Spy with Lola App Review

My 4 year old daughter loves this app. It’s teaching her new objects and helping with “things that begin with the letter …”.  She’s working on the  “riddle” or hard part with some help.

Download I Spy with Lola from iTunes.  It’s available for iPhone and iPad. You can also get a free version to try out before you buy!

Faith and Family Reviews received the following product in exchange for writing a review. While we consider it a privilege to receive free products to review, our reviews are our honest opinion and thoughts of the product.



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National Geographic Super Reader Kit

We love books here at our house and it has been an educational goal to instill a love of reading and learning in our children. After all if they develop a love of books they can learn almost anything on their own simply by reading. We have a reading program we use in our homeschool that has been effective with our girls but not so much our boys so we’ve been supplementing their reading with other books they want to read.

A few of weeks ago when we received a package containing the National Geographic Super Reader Kit our children sat down right away to read the four books it contained! They love animals and learning more about them. We also have a couple of children who are weather watchers, like their daddy, and they liked the weather stories told in the Wacky But True book.

We didn’t agree with the evolutionary slant of some of the books, but thankfully our children know what we/they believe. That would be the only reason we would choose not to use or recommend it to other Christians. We’d at least give an advance warning of it containing evolution.

Here are a few of the children’s thoughts about the books in the National Geographic Super Reader Kit:

Castle Book

My 13 year old daughter said she learned stuff in the castle book that she didn’t know before. That’s huge as she is a voracious reader and has read many castle/medieval books.

Shark Book

An interesting book about sharks, which included Bethany’s shark attack was featured in the movie “Soul Surfer”. The children really liked this book.

Animal Stories Book

This book is about bad behavior in animals. One dog almost set the house on fire and died. Some of the bad behavior turned out to be good, like a naughty little orangutang who was kind of like Curious George and got into things, but actually saved a man’s life.

Wacky/Crazy But True…Book

The children thought this book was awesome. Full of fun, wacky/crazy but true facts and snippets about science, history, geography etc.

Overall our children really did enjoy the content of the books, we really didn’t use the extras because as I said they sat down right away to read the books and there was no need to give them motivators of stickers or book marks. Not to say it wasn’t cute or a great idea, our children just already love to read, but I can see how it may be motivating to those who are struggling with reading.

You may Find National Geographic online at:

Thumbs up from us!

Three of you have the opportunity to win a kit of your own. Just fill out the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms MeetSM program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer, National Geographic. As a Moms MeetSM blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product.


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