“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Zarbee’s Naturals. I received a promotional item and a product sample as a thank you for participating.”
My husband is affected by seasonal congestion and sinus issues. In the spring, in the fall and especially if the mold counts are high. We all have issues with mold and sadly discovered it in the home we rent. Thankfully the mold guy was here today to take care of the house so maybe our suffering will be alleviated.
3 Natural Remedies that Help Hubby’s Seasonal Congestion and Sinus Issues
1. Peppermint essential oil. Hubby simply just inhales the peppermint right from the bottle.
2. Breathe Again. This we apply to our chests or throat, depending on the symptoms we are experiencing.
3. R.C. Is another one we apply to our chests.
And now Zarbee’s Naturals Seasonal Relief.
About Zarbee’s Naturals Seasonal Relief

We like that Zarbee’s Naturals is plant based made from the plant Butterbur, and well, natural. Here are some facts to consider about Zarbee’s (taken from their website):
– Readily available in Europe, clinical studies have shown Butterbur to effectively combat congestion.
– It’s safe to use routinely; you won’t develop an intolerance.
– It won’t make you jittery or tired.
– Zarbee’s Naturals Seasonal Relief is intended for children 12 years of age and above.
What on earth is Butterbur?
It’s both a humble weed and a powerful plant. Butterbur grows wild along rivers, ditches and marshes worldwide, though ours comes from farms in Germany. Its sparse, red flowers shoot up in early spring, followed by huge, heart-shaped leaves.
Europeans have benefitted for centuries from its effective properties, but it’s less well known in the U.S. So Zarbee’s is working hard to get the word out about this great, natural solution featuring the power of natural Butterbur.
Every time anyone visits the Seasonal Relief Project website to share how Zarbee’s Naturals’ Seasonal Relief with Butterbur worked for them, the brand is donating to four causes that support exposure to and the protection of fresh air, including Fresh Air Fund, Children & Nature Network, and Moms Clean Air Force, and Healthy Child Healthy World. You can visit and sign up for a free sample, try it and share your experience and Zarbee’s will donate to one of the above charities! Zarbee’s is also available at CVS and Target. Remember, it is intended for children 12 and over.
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.”
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