It’s gardening season and warm weather is here, that means the pests are too. Shauna reminded me of some of these pest control solutions for our gardens and our pets, so special thanks to her for reminding me of these solutions!
For plants infested with insects, use one of the following essential oils. Fill a mist spray bottle with 4 oz. of water, add the essential oils and mist the infested plant. Several applications, a few days apart, may be necessary. (Use as little as possible). These same suggestions may be used on our pets as well. I know we have been using a combination of Purification, Citronella, Eucalyptus and Cedarwood on Padfoot, our puppy. We have found a couple of ticks on him, the children are very good about brushing him, and we put a drop of Purification on the spot where the tick was attached to cleanse that area. Cats can be more sensitive to the oils, so use very little on them. Just putting the oils on your hands, rubbing them together and then running your hands over their fur is enough for them. We are assuming the same thing for rabbits so plan to use the oils the same way on our bunnies.
He’s getting big, this was taken a couple weeks ago!
Here’s one of Padfoot just taken as I type up this post:
Our cutie pie! He provides much entertainment!
Pest Control in Our Gardens & on Our Pets
Spearmint: ants, aphids, caterpillars, black flea beetle, gnats, lice, moths, and plant lice.
Peppermint: ants, aphids, bean beetle, cabbage root fly, caterpillars, black flee beetle, flies, lice, moths, and plant lice.
Lemongrass: black flea beetle, fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks.
Tansy: black fly, carrot fly, fleas, flies, greenfly, mosquitoes, and white fly.
Hyssop: aphids, cabbage root fly, moths, and slugs.
Thyme: bean beetle, cabbage root fly, cutworm, and ticks.
Sage: cabbage root fly, cutworm, nematodes, ticks, and white fly.
Rosemary: cabbage root fly and carrot fly.
Patchouli: gnats, snails, weevils, and woolly aphids.
Pine: slugs, snails, and wooly aphids.
Sandalwood: weevils and wooly aphids.
If you ever order Young Living Essential Oils, I would appreciate you using my distributor number #1038605. This is my referral number and I receive credit when you use my number when you place an order at – Thank you!

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