I am sure you all must be wondering what has displaced me for the past five days. It’s been a combination of dealing with an abscess tooth with the potential of needing a root canal (self-diagnosis with the help of others) while trying to avoid a costly trip to the dentist and really not feeling like blogging amidst all of it.
Last week my back molar that has been missing part of a filling for well over a year started bothering me. I have staved off any major issues by using Thieves essential oil and Thieves spray. I think it was just this year that I lost the rest of the filling. Then either chewing gum or chomping down hard last Tuesday or Wednesday on some food made my tooth start to ache. On Thursday I woke up to a swollen lower cheek/jaw bone. Friday/Saturday it had moved to the middle of my chin. Sunday it started to settle down. Monday it was the same or a little better. Today it seems to be a bump. That’s the good news.
Here is me in all my glory (kind of scary, I know!) :
I haven’t eaten much in the past six days. Today is the only day I actually ate all three meals because I have a bit more mobility for chewing (on one side). It’s painful to yawn or chew and my cheek/jawbone area is tender to touch or to lay on. While I should be starving I find I am not, but I am hungry and craving things that would just melt in my mouth. I survived three days on piece of cheese cake, minus most of the crust because it was just easier to eat.
I have treated this dental issue with warm salt water rinses, Thieves essential oil, Thieves spray, Helichrysum and Cloves essential oil. I have taken Ningxia Red and Inner Defense to boost my immune system and to ward off the infection. My drink preference has been hot lemon tea with raw honey as it has beneficial enzymes and good bacteria to help my body fight the infection. Plus my tooth isn’t as sensitive to warm as it is to cold.
If the swelling and pain goes away the only thing I will be making an appointment for is a filling to cover that cavity back up. Otherwise the dentist might just confirm that I do indeed have an abscess tooth in need of a root canal, which I will still try to avoid by prolonging the use of my alternative care methods…..because avoiding a root canal is my goal in all of this. I have read some nasty things about them and know others who were able to successfully treat and avoid a root canal.
So have you ever had an abscess tooth or had a root canal? Try avoiding a root canal? Do tell all in the comment section below!