It’s been a very dry summer here in Chicago, the Midwest and many other places. We haven’t had much need for our farm boots or rubber boots. My little ones still wear them though and my husband dug his out of the “boot” closet over the weekend due to the heavy dew on the grass. Thankfully in the past week or so we got rain and boots have come in handy for all of our children as they tramp out to feed the animals.
Our little guy, whom we still call “baby” as he is the baby of the family even though he turns two this month, did not have any rain boots. The ones our 4 year old had at his age were worn until they cracked and had holes in them – they were that loved!

Thanks to Kidorable, baby now has boots. They are pirate boots. Fitting since he recently received a pirate’s eye patch and foam sword. He loves his new boots. They are the first pair of footwear he runs to grab when asked to get his shoes to go outside.

And yes he is pretty much in his diaper all the time unless we go out. The first thing he does when we come home is to take off his clothes! At least he knows to keep them on while we are out! 
We have had Kidorable rain boots before when my four year old was younger. They were the frog boots and he loved them too. They lasted him about a year, but that is with constant wear, not just during the spring or fall rainy seasons, as we have worked on farms the past three years now.
Kidorable gets a cute 2 thumbs up from us!
From August 13-31 Kidorable has a back to school sale and promotion going on and they are offering you a discount code!
From ballerinas to butterflies, from frogs to pirates, the styles and choices are sure to excite your children and you! (I know I love all them!) Simply use coupon code SCHOO888 at to receive 20% off Kidorable rain boots.

Faith and Family Reviews received the following product in exchange for writing a review. While we consider it a privilege to receive products to review, our reviews are our honest opinion and thoughts of the product.
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