I have been trying to keep track of all our funnies and laughs and doing ok with it but may come up short this week for my Saturday Top Five Laughs post this week. Without further adieu… we join Mel over at The Mommyhood Chronicles for week #31 (for us) in our Saturday Top Five Laughs of the week.
5. O, our 14 year old has been cracking us up lately. It all started a couple of weeks ago when we were weeding in the garden and she started making up words, which she has continued to do. So I had her sit down so I could write a couple of them down to share here.
Her words: If you have a sudden aching in your lower legs, in your calf muscle, if you have a sudden increase in heart rate, then you probably have read-i-obia – the fear of running.
4. If you have a sudden increase in your temper coming out and you don’t fell like doing your work outside, then you have weed-i-obia – the fear of weeds and work.
3. We had a customer stop by for eggs but we were all sold out so she asked what else we had for sale and I told her chicken and maybe a few vegetables. She chose tomatoes. She didn’t want grape tomatoes, which we have a ton of, but the larger sized tomatoes. Our oldest son went out to pick them and the look on her face when she saw they were odd shaped and one was red with speckled zebra lines, which is an heirloom tomato but for the life of me I cannot remember what kind. Her response was, “I guess I’ll take them since I had you pick them.” People are just too funny.
2. I was talking with some colleagues on Thursday and I was sharing something and said, “My husband had to go pick up chicks.” They all burst out laughing because of the play on words. He actually went to pick up broiler chickens but I just said chicks!

1. Our family went to a local small airport for a Young Eagles rally and our children got to take a flight for free. And I just forgot what funny occurred! Oh, anyways, my husband ran into a guy he use to work with. This guy owns his own plane and invited Robert to go flying with him. I think they had a 40-50 minute flight. They even went over our farm. Robert said they buzzed down over our farm and made the chickens scatter. So when we arrived home I open the truck door and all our young pullets come running out from out under the front yard bushes. I said to my husband, “Didn’t buzz down too close, eh? Then why were the chickens still in hiding!” Or something to that affect, giving him a hard time, of course!
How was your week? What things happened to bring laughter into your life and home?

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