Guess what? It’s that time of week again! Saturday top Five Laughs with Mel over at The Mommyhood Chronicles for week #20 (for us) in our Saturday Top Five Laughs of the week.
5. Our six year old’s second question from last week was, “When do I get my mustache?” Then he laughs and says, “Just kidding!” Or something like that. Goofy boy!
4. We brought Atlas home in the truck, as we did the other lambs. Atlas was much more vocal though as he baaaa baaaa baaaaa’d his head off. O was having a conversation with him, but JAG said, “I need hearing aids” meaning ear plugs. 
3. Another question from our son this week. He wanted to know why he couldn’t have “zebee” pants like his dad, so I decided to see if Zubaz had any kid’s apparel. Well, on their home page a bikini clad woman comes up, which led to this conversation.
Son – What does bikini even mean?
Me - I don’t know why women want to go around in their bra and underwear.
Hubby - It means embarrassment.
O – Google it.
Me – Then images will come up.
Hubby – Google ‘what does bikini’ mean and no images will come up.
Here’s what we found out:
noun: bikini; plural noun: bikinis
a very brief two-piece swimsuit for women.
scanty underpants.

2. Conversation with Jr. as he was icing his bump (he jumped on his brother’s bed and landed head first onto a BB gun!):
Me – Do you like the sheep?
Jr. – Yes.
Me – Do you like the goats?
Jr. – What goats? Goats pass gas.
Me – Do you like the geese?
Jr. – No, they poke my eye out. (They haven’t but they do bite! But have only bit B)
Me – Do you like the cows?
Jr. – Yes.
Me – Do you like Blaze-y-boy? (Our 30 year old horse)
Jr. – Blaze-y-boy have baby cow?
Me – No, Blaze-y-boy is a horse. He can’t have cows. (Didn’t get into the gender/gelding (castration)
Me – Do you like Padfoot?
Jr. – Yes.
Me – Do you like the chickens and turkeys?
Jr. – No, they poke my eye out. (We have roosters who have tried to do this but don’t have any roosters right now.)
Me – What?! You goofy boy!
1. Hubby was feeding grass to the cows and each one of them tried to eat the grass from the the other’s mouth! Goofy cows!
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