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Blog Forward 2014 Challenge #3 by ZonePerfect
You may or may not remember my earlier posts for the ZonePerfect Challenge #1 and Challenge #2. Here I am again for Challenge #3, which is:
Challenge #3: How you feel your progress has gone so far? Review the letter you wrote in the beginning of the year. How do you plan to recharge and renew the excitement you felt in the beginning of the year to get yourself through the year successfully?
A Review of My New Year’s Resolutions
You all know I don’t make resolutions so here is my “loose” list of goals for 2014:
1. Increase our income. (I *think* God is well on His way to answering this prayer…need a bit more time to be sure.)
2. Nutrition. Eat and grow more vegetables to we can freeze and can our winter supply.
3. Take our children on more field trips.
4. Get more organized as a whole family – mostly the house as it is an ongoing battle, that and getting the children to stay on task.
On to Challenge #3
How am I progressing?
- I would say baby steps. I’m continuing to work on organization in our home and trying to teach everyone else how to contribute to that organization. This is a constant issue in our home, even with older children.
- We have taken the children on a couple more field trips – the Young Flyers day, apple picking, berry picking – but funds are limited so we will be planning to take advantage of free museum days.
- Nutritionally, we are doing ok, but have not been able to grow enough to can or freeze because of our commitment to our CSA members. But at least we got to eat from our garden more this year than we did last year!
My only plan is to continue focusing on 3 and 4. Especially 3, as family is important and the more we time we spend together, the more memories we will make. Children are only children for so long and we want to enjoy them as much as possible.