Just Natural Organic Products… MADE IN THE USA!!!!
This is a wonderful company providing organic products to consumers! We were very pleased that Just Natural let us review part of their product line!
The company offers a wide array of effective, powerful, hair and skincare products with formulas inspired by nature. Most importantly … NO GMO’S…Eco friendly and NOT tested on animals!
The Just Natural Line stated the following about their ingredients:

This is such a wonderful list it makes my heart smile knowing that I can bring healthy non-chemical laden product to my family!
We were pleased to receive and review the following products:
Kids Body Wash
Natural Detangler
Daily Spray Detangler
Peppermint foot lotion
Body Lotion
Turbinado Brown Sugar Scrub

Let me start off by saying that the scent of these products is heavenly!! I always wonder and am pensive about the scent of organic products… but EVERY product I received is something that smells inviting … something I WANT to smell and lavish my hair and body!
Kids Body Wash

This product is a great addition to any household! We liked it because it comes in a larger size 16 oz size! Most of the time when I am shopping for organic natural shampoo I find it in an 8oz size…. this was a treat! It lathered well and has a pleasant orange Blossom scent. Most of all I liked that it is gentle on the skin. The product is also moisturizing which is an added plus! My youngest daughter has Eczema and since this product is not made with harsh chemicals or synthetic additives it has not made the Eczema flare up as other products can.
Natural Detangler

Let me tell you…I am always looking for a detangler for my hair (naturally wave to medium curl) and my daughters’ hair (thick and long). This is a great leave in deep conditioning/detangling option! I liked that the product does what it says… “effortlessly and easily” unravels tangles! It does this!!! My children take swim lessons every Monday and after they shower I like to brush out their hair…sometimes because of the harness of the chlorine their hair gets brittle and dry…and tangles easily! We like this product because it is easily portable in the jar that it comes in and it makes the hair easy to brush through. We have not only reserved the conditioner to swim days … but have made it part of our hair care regimen (yes even for mom…it worked wonders o my hair)!
Mom’s hair… I used this product and loved it on my hair…I am “air dry” styling type of person so this product worked great for me! Just put some on run a comb and fingers through my hair and I am good to go and my hair gets enriched with extra vitamins, proteins, and nutrients!
Daily Spray Detangler

This is a STAPLE for kids hair… let me tell you that it is a hard to find a good detangler. This one is by far one of the best we have used! I LOVE that it comes in a large bottle…but would love it even more if it came in a travel size…so we could take it to the pool! Anyway… we Loved that the product has no harsh chemicals to strip and ruin the hair follicles… this is GREAT. Secondly the product reduces breakage while combing. While we sometimes have breakage due to knots in hair this product actually helped alleviate that issue. When used right after showering the hair is easily combed through and no breakage occurs… What a GREAT thing, no breakage helps keep hair healthy!
Peppermint Foot Lotion
What a YUMMY treat for your feet! This was so soothing and luxurious. I loved being able to try it! First off the scent is heavenly! Peppermint sooths and eases my tired feet and arouses my senses at the same time! It also began to moisturize and rescue my poor dry and callused feet. It penetrates the skin immediately and goes to work… I like that it has a nice feel and does not leave my hands slimy… I have had experience with other foot lotions where the product was soooo slimy/greasy I had to wipe my hands with a towel afterwards because it just would not absorb.
Body Lotion
Natural Body Lotion
This lotion was also a quick to absorb into the skin! Can you tell I am a fan of quick absorption? I love it when a lotion goes on smooth and actually hydrates and moisturizes the skin instead of just sitting on top of the skin! This lotion is wonderful! It comes in a large pump container, which is great!!! It makes it easy to pump and apply after the shower! The scent is heavenly…it has a sweet orange blossom smell with other blended flowers that makes this lotion double as a wonderful aromatic experience!
Turbinado Brown Sugar Scrub
Can you say INDULGENT??? This is such a luxurious addition to any shower ritual! … I LOVE body scrubs because they exfoliate and moisturize the skin leaving it soft and supple! This product does just that with NATURAL/ORGANIC ingredients! (YEAH!) This scrub has replaced my old Burt’s Bees Scrub … which I though was good…boy was I wrong this is SO MUCH BETTER! What about the scent?

What about price? The Just Naturals line of products are VERY well priced for organic/natural products… they offer larger sizes for a great price! At a farmers market or retail store you cannot get the larger sizing or the QUALITY!!!
Please take a moment to visit justnaturalskincare.com you will not be displeased! Their products are SO awesome I cannot wait to try other items from their product line.

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