Sheep – Wordless Wednesday

Couldn’t resist sharing more lamb or sheep photos!

FFR Sheep 052014

FFR Sheep and Jr. 052014


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What if your child could draw anything they wanted and have it turned into a stuffed animal?  Basically their drawings could be brought to life. Now it is completely possible thanks to Budsies.  Their simple and fun process makes getting your custom stuffed animal as easy as 1,2,3.

First your child needs to draw a picture. It can be anything really. The Budsies website even offers templates for you to use. My son is really into monster trucks so he wanted his very own custom monster truck.  He drew it all by himself and colored it.  I asked him if he wanted to add windows or use different colors, but he drew it completely on his own.


After it is drawn you need to send Budsies your artwork.  You can upload a picture of it or you can take a picture of the drawing with your cell phone and text it to them.  I used my iPhone and texted them a picture.  After that you finish checking out.  They ask you a series of questions to understand the drawing. This was my son’s favorite part.  We told them that the monster truck was angry, had lots of blue hair, and had big teeth.  Finally, you sit back and wait for your custom stuffed animal to arrive.  I have to say my son was very anxious and could not wait to see his creation come to life.


At last it arrived and my son could not stop smiling. He could not believe he had an actual monster truck that looked exactly like he drew. He goes absolutely everywhere with his Budsie. He sleeps with it every single night and plays with it all day long.


I have to say the quality of Budsies is superb! The material is super soft and cushy, and the colors are very bright.  My son just lit up the second he saw his monster truck stuffed animal.  The customer service at Budsies is exceptional.  At one point I contacted them to find out how much longer it would take to receive the stuffed animal. My son kept asking me when it was going to arrive.  They have a chat option available on their website where a real live person talks to you and tells you what is going on with your order.  The person I chatted with was so nice and really cared about my order.


I honestly cannot say enough good things about Budsies. I would highly recommend them to anyone with children, young or old. They would make an excellent gift.  Check out their website, you won’t be disappointed!



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Week #23 Saturday Top Five Laughs

Saturdays Top Laughs dentistmelsbbutton-11

Another week has sped by and it’s time for Saturday top Five Laughs with Mel over at The Mommyhood Chronicles for week #23 (for us) in our Saturday Top Five Laughs of the week.

Our two youngest (both boys) questions to hubby comprise 3-4 of this week’s laughs:

5. Jr. to hubby: “Your arm pits smell like cow patties.” (Yes very similar to a laugh a week or two ago).

4. 6 year old to hubby: “Did you fight in WWII?”

3. 6 year old to hubby: ” What color was grandma’s hair when she was young? (hubby answered) What color was Grandpa’s hair? (hubby answered) Was your hair grey when you were nine?” lol! Hubby has mostly grey hair now!

2. “That hurts. It really, really, really hurts.” Can be heard around our house when someone gets hurt. After the video below, even though it’s been a couple of years since we first watched it!

1. The other day in the down pour was the time our dog decided to get loose and run across the road to our neighbor’s. Thankfully our son saw him bolt but my oldest and I were soaked to the bone by the time we caught him and brought him back home. It couldn’t have taken any more than 5-10 minutes!

That’s about all for this week! Stay tuned until next time!


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Food Choices Documentary

Michal Siewierski is an Emmy nominated TV commercial producer and Filmmaker. He is making a new documentary film called, Food Choices, after experiencing the amazing effects that a plant based diet had in his own life and health. He lost over 45 pounds. Food Choices is a film about food that connects all the dots – health, environment and animal rights – topics often controversial. This film should empower you, the viewer, with explosive and ground breaking information that could be truly life changing!

Food Choices Documentary Trailer

Michal has been running a popular Indiegogo campaign which can be seen here:

The film is scheduled to be released in March 2015 in Chicago.

To learn more, please visit:


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Can You Guess What These Are? – Wordless Wednesday

This post should be a Guessing Wednesday, not a Wordless Wednesday, and since when am I ever wordless?! Ha!

So can you all guess what my son is holding in his hand?

FFR WW Guess what these are


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25 Refreshing Summer Salads

25 Refreshing Summer Salads

I don’t know about you but now that the hot weather is here my body is craving salads. I cannot wait to have fresh lettuce from our garden! We’ve already had a feed of spinach that we planted in our raised bed in the fall and it came up in the spring. Can’t wait to try many of these summer salads recipes!

What one would be your favorite?

1. Strawberry Black Bean Salad
2. Spinach Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing
3. Chicken and Strawberry Salad with Strawberry Dressing and Walnuts
4. Bok Choy and Chicken Salad with a Sweet Almond Topping
5. Easy Chopped Vegetable Salad
6. Leafy Green Salad with Fresh Fruit
7. Quinoa Salad with Chickpeas and Avocados
8. Tomato and Ricotta Salata Salad
9. Fresh Plum Caprese
10. Apple and Manchego Salad
11. Santorini Salad with Cucumber Basil Yogurt Dressing
12. Green and White Salad
13. Avocado Salad with Strawberry Sauce
14. A Very Green Gluten-Free Salad
15. Broccoli Craisin Salad
16. Strawberry Cucumber Salad
17. Chipotle Chickpea Salad
18. Vegetable Nicoise Salad
19. Carrot Pineapple Salad
20. Arugula Smoked Salmon Avocado Salad
21. Strawberry Spinach Salad with Candied Pecans
22. Quinoa Salad with Feta and Chia Seeds
23. Chinese Chicken Salad
24. Beet, Orange, and Kumquat Salad
25. Citrus Avocado Salmon Salad


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Minnie Mouse Costume Review

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It’s never too early to start thinking about Halloween costumes!  Wholesale Halloween Costumes has a huge line of costumes for every budget and person in your family.

Minnie 1

We received this adorable Minnie Mouse Costume for my daughter (About Minni Mouse). The package came with the dress and ears.  The costume is mostly polyester material. The headband does not have teeth on it, making it easy on your child’s head (I wore the headband myself for about a half hour and it didn’t hurt my head, either).

minnie 2

My daughter looks delightful and ready to have fun in this Queen of Disney costume.  She said it was comfortable and it fit her well.  The costume was easy to put on and has Velcro on the back by her neck.

You can order this costume or choose from many that Wholesale Halloween Costumes offers!


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CLn Skin Care

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for CLn Skin Care. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”



We are PLEASED to introduce 2 new products to you today! As some of you know my daughter suffers from severe Eczema and we are ALWAYS looking for products to combat the issue! Well…we have finally found one! CLn BodyWash and CLn Facial Cleanser!

download (1)

The first product I would like to highlight is the CLn BodyWashcln_bodywash_75ml_weboptimized it is a wonderful product targeted to treat skin prone to Eczema, Acne, Folliculitis, and Infection. The product had been awarded the Seal of Acceptance by the National Eczema Association! Cln BodyWash is truly an innovative product! The product is a non-drying cleanser that calms and sooths the skin, reducing the appearance of redness and dryness caused by eczema. The product also boasts that it is also effective in cleansing skin prone to acne and infection.


One important factor if the CLn BodyWash is that it is SAFE to use on children ages six months and above. We used this on our 5-year-old daughter and it worked wonders on her Eczema…no more redness or itchiness…just like the product claims!! CLn BodyWash can be used from head-to-toe as a common treatment for eczema (a disease affecting 30 million Americans and 20% of children).

download (2)


The second product is CLn Facial cleanser. cln_facial_cleanser_75ml_weboptimizedThis product boasts that it improves the appearance of redness on sensitive areas of the face. It targets Eczema, Rosacea, and Acne! We used this on the patches of eczema that my 5 year old gets on her face… and it worked just as advertised. The redness and blotchy patches dissipated! The main reason this product works well on the face is that it gently wipes away dirt and bacteria and is formulated to minimize tightness, stinging and other symptoms of sensitivity. It is also important to know that the oil-free, hypoallergenic formula has no dyes, parabens or fragrance and helps maintain the skin’s moisture balance.

download (3)

Overall we were very please with both the BodyWash and Facial Cleanser to help my daughters Eczema…she has had eczema all her life and we have been able to subside some of the symptoms with creams… but this new wash has helped tremendously in clearing up the skin where no redness or itchiness even occur! Her eczema is year round with severe flare-ups after swimming lessons especially… and since using this product we have not seen the flare-ups! We are so pleased! We used this product for a 3-week trial…and have plenty left in the bottle…so a little goes along way. We will continue to use the product in the future and hope you will check out the product!

                                                                    download (4)

 Please visit the CLn Skin Care website: to find out more about these two products ad their whole line of products!






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Week #22 Saturday Top Five Laughs

Saturdays Top Laughs dentistmelsbbutton-11

Can’t believe another week has come and gone already! But it’s time for Saturday top Five Laughs with Mel over at The Mommyhood Chronicles for week #22 (for us) in our Saturday Top Five Laughs of the week.

5. This one happened when we went mini golfing a few weeks ago. I only remembered it when I posted the photo yesterday. Mini golfing as a large family is hilarious! Especially when half our children had never mini golfed before. They start out by hitting the ball like it’s a puck in a hockey game and you know what happens then! The children loved it and can’t wait to go back. Next time though, we want to go when the go-carts are open!

4. Lokie is fun to watch, though this week I haven’t had much time, but the children have. He even climbed the manure pile only to roll down it, lay there and wait for his mother to fawn over him!

3. I told O to plant shelling peas at the end of the rows already planted, meaning the last bed, but she planted them at the end of the tomato beds after the tomatoes. Tomatoes and peas cannot be planted together because of the negative affect one will have on the other. Another Amelia Bedilia moment in which she took me quite literally. I also think she didn’t hear part of my instructions because she was heading down the hallway to the door.

2. Jr. and JAG (our 10 year old) were running around outside. JAG was doing this super hero run and paused with his arms in a pumping motion. What does Jr. do? The same thing. Too cute!

FFR Padfoot drinking from Dixie cup

1. We went to the park yesterday afternoon after the children worked hard planting in the garden. They wanted to take Padfoot, our dog, so I let them. Well, we forgot to bring him a water dish so he got to use a Dixie cup like the rest of us!


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ZonePerfect Blog Forward Challenge #2

I am a part the 2014 ZonePerfect Blog Forward Challenge and received complimentary product and ZonePerfect promotional items. All opinions are my own.
ZonePerfect Nutrition for the New Year
Click the image above for the link to the nutritional printables!

It’s been a few months since I posted my ZonePerfect Challenge #1. I had to re-read my post to see what my 2014 resolutions were and here they are, as well as my update on how I am doing in accomplishing them:

1. Increase our income. (I *think* God is well on His way to answering this prayer…need a bit more time to be sure.) This is definitely happening, but we still have a ways to go yet. I am grateful for the improvement so far.

2. Nutrition. Eat and grow more vegetables to we can freeze and can our winter supply.  This is in the works as we have 20-30 50 foot beds tilled and ready to plant veggies in for our family and our CSA members. This makes me very happy, but I am a little anxious because I want everything to grow beautifully!

ZonePerfect Healthy Swaps

3. Take our children on more field trips. This one…..needs more work! We haven’t gone on any field trips yet this year. However, we did go mini golfing! It was hilarious and lots of fun!

FFR Gould Children Mini Golfing

4. Get more organized as a whole family – mostly the house as it is an ongoing battle, that and getting the children to stay on task. Errr….this one is ongoing, challenging and seems like a never-ending task! I think it’s also the most frustrating.

As a part of this challenge, we received a complimentary box of ZonePerfect bars, which we thoroughly enjoyed. ZonePerfect wants me to let you in on a little something:

“Become A ZonePerfect® VIP & Save up to $10*

Your first coupon will be emailed to you. Join Now <<

*$10 in savings relates to savings spread across a one year period and may vary.*”

Have you accomplished any of your 2014 goals or resolutions?


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